It’s Time for Your Students & Staff to Soar!

Follow Your Strengths For Education

Follow Your Strengths leverages Gallup’s CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Explorer assessments to help your staff and students succeed. Developing the talents and strengths of your staff and students will improve engagement levels and help your team feel valued and appreciated.

We offer customized professional development workshops, strengths coaching, and consulting to help your school district become strengths-based including:

  • Strengths Discovery Course for Educators

  • Leading with Your Strengths Course for Administrators

  • DNA of the Team TeamBuilding Workshops

  • State of the Team Engagement Workshops with an Engagement Survey

  • Coach the Coaches - Plan the Strengths Rollout

Let Follow Your Strengths help you create a positive, strengths-based environment that helps students build confidence and succeed beyond the classroom. Your staff will feel valued as they continue to pour all they’ve got into student development.

Gallup has found that students who strongly agree with these two statements are


as likely to be engaged at school as those who strongly disagree:

“My school is committed to building the strengths of each student.”

“I have at least one teacher who makes me excited about the future.”

People who focus on their strengths are


as likely to be engaged on the job and


as likely to report having an

“excellent quality of life”

When Educators grow in their strengths -- EVERYONE is stronger….

Teacher Participant

"Knowing my strengths has allowed me to understand how I respond and react to certain situations.  It has also allowed me to understand my co-workers at a deeper level and respect our differences, but embrace our strengths which makes us a stronger team."

Strengths in the “Wild”

“Our greatest contribution is to be sure there is a teacher in every classroom who cares that every student, every day, learns and grows and feels like a real human being.”

— Dr. Donald Clifton, Father of Strengths Psychology & Inventor of Gallup’s CliftonStrengths Assessment

Start your schools Strengths journey today!